NEWSLETTER September 2022
Image from Warsaw Federal's first-ever Brazil Day Cincinnati, created and produced by Joybrasileira and presented by ArtsWave, Altenau Financial Services and Driehaus Insurance Group. "It was a beautiful community gathering and cultural celebration that we were so proud to host at our venue."
Now that our summer break is over, the Board of Directors and I welcome you back to our regular schedule of meetings, events, and community. Although we don’t hold General Membership meetings in the months of July and August, the board continues to work for the community, and we have been BUSY!
Summertime Fun
EPHIA’s Events committee, chaired by Newman Lain, has held several successful summer get-togethers, including Ice Cream Socials at Bold Face Dairy Bar and the Price Hill Recreation Center and a Taco Tuesday at Veracruz. We had a great time getting to know our neighbors and new friends and building community! Our Facebook page and calendar are the best way to keep up with events in the neighborhood. And they have even MORE cool events coming up! Come to our meeting and find out what is going on in East Price Hill!
Look what we can see!
Have you noticed? The view at Olden View Park has been restored! Trees had grown tall enough to obscure the city view for which Olden View Park is named, and for which our community is famous. Thanks to EPHIA's Neighborhood Support Program funds, a generous donation from the Primavista Restaurant for which we wish to express great tremendous thanks and appreciation(!!!!), the assistance of Don Johnson from Cutler Realty in getting permissions from the property owners, the perseverance of EPHIA’s Board of Directors, and the great value and hard work of the team from Kevin’s Tree Service which can be contacted at (513) 574-3950, the view has been restored for the community and was done in time for the Labor Day festivities.
Our Nominations Committee is reaching out to all our members about running for Director positions. Please reach out to if you are interested in joining the board or holding a position. New and previous members welcomed!
You may have been seeing signs recognizing our neighbors who make our community look good. This month we are putting a spotlight on Don. Don has been in EPH for over 20 years and his favorite memory of price hill is when we used to have a roller rink, he used to come all the way from Fairmount to have fun in EPH as a kid. His favorite thing to do now is to visit Pastor Donna at the Children's Sanctuary on Warsaw. If you see Don out on his porch on Wells, be sure to tell him thanks for making East Price Hill look good!
Keep Cincinnati Beautiful: Help-a-Lot
Quality of Life Chair, Amber Kassem, has organized abating nearly 80 properties this summer with the crew...and still counting. What this means is after a property has been deemed abandoned and citations continue to pile up, volunteer groups like EPHIA can be assigned lots to get the properties into compliance. If you have an abandoned property near you, be sure to utilize Cincinnati's 311 App or call in complaints to 311 so we can get our neighborhood looking great!
If anyone can attend the KCB Fundraiser to help fund these types of programs get your $75 tickets at .
Grants & Funding
Keep Cincinnati Beautiful Grants Awarded totaling $27,900
EPHIA's Quality of Life committee and partnering organizations submitted four grants and two were awarded. The two that were awarded are for resident education and dumpster events. The resident education grant (which Santa Maria is the fiscal agent on) is to create a training course and literature to help educate residents on how to be involved, compile resources, and tips on how to be a safe and good neighbor. Dumpster events are to help the good people of East Price Hill to have access to a place to clear their clutter out.
If you are interested in helping and want to be notified when planning and work starts, email and let us know so we can keep you in the loop. If you want to be notified when the dumpster events are, be sure to check the events calendar and the Facebook page regularly. Otherwise you can shoot an email to QOL and we will reach out when we have confirmed dates. There will be 2-3 events between now and spring.
Other Funding:
Work has already started on submitting Community Budget Requests (CBRs) which will be submitted to the city for future funding. Improvements at Mt. Echo, refresh at Dempsey Park, and a big ask for an Adult Workforce and Wellness Center were the what EPHIA is submitting based on input received.
We are planning our Neighborhood Support Program projects for next year. Along with those things, we provide input to city councilmembers and departments on a variety of programs and projects to help make our neighborhood and the city of Cincinnati a great place to live, work, and play.
Problem Properties If you have a property near that is disruptive or unkept be sure to report the issues to 311. If you need any assistance in how to report or maybe you have already reported the issues and problems persist, email and tell us about it! We can try to coach neighbors on how to use proper channels for reporting and once data shows it is a problem we can try to help advocate for solutions. Where did your FixIt Cincinnati app on your phone go? The app has changed to 311 automatically. If your app isn't working, delete it and reinstall. As always you can call 311 or 513-591-6000 to submit complaints or public services repair requests. To report suspicious or disruptive behaviors, call 311 to report non-emergency concerns. You can call anonymously and you do not have to give your address. You may get a text-receipt of your call. Don't wait until things get out of control, we all deserve a safe and peaceful neighborhood to enjoy. Stay safe everyone and be kind!
Safety Sunday - October 30, 2022 2:00-4:00p in Warsaw Kroger's Parking Delivery Trunkers can arrive as early as 1:30p , please bring ~500+ treats to pass out
4th Annual Trunk or Treat organized by Price Hill Safety CAT
We are hoping to help Safety CAT get 30 vehicles loaded up with candy and trunks decorated so the kids can have a fun Halloween! Kroger Manager will be judging the trunk decorating contest. Last year there were less than 10 cars, lets try to get to 30!
Register your vehicle by sending an email to . Subject "Trunk or Treat" , provide your name and phone number, please.
Transportation EPHIA has requested a traffic study at Warsaw and Woodlawn due to a high incidence of traffic accidents. We are awaiting results of that study and will let you all know once we hear DOTE's recommendations.
Peek-a-Boo! Have you seen the signs with garbage bags over them on Warsaw avenue? Speed Cushions are coming. EPHIA has been working hard and communicating with DOTE and CPD to make Warsaw a safe place to travel and enjoy. What do you think would make being a pedestrian or motorist safer in East Price Hill? Email the (and CC to make sure EPH isn't forgotten by our city's administration.
Stay up to date on events and register
September EPHIA Meeting: 9/19/2022 6:30p @ ARCO 3301 Price Avenue
October EPHIA Meeting: 10/17/2022 6:30p @ ARCO
Great American Cleanup: 10/8/2022 and 10/22/2022 9a-12p @ Elder's Schaeper Center
Dance on Haunted Hill: 10/22/2022 7:30p @ ARCO (tickets available soon, fundraising event)
Jingle and Mingle: 12/11/2022 3:00p @ARCO (please register, free event)
Where did the meeting minutes go?
Meeting Minutes can viewed at . If you have any difficulty accessing the minutes, please reach out to the eMedia via email for assistance.
We wanted to try a different format for the Newsletter, we hope you like it. You can also let us know what you want to hear about, write an article yourself, or be a part of the Newsletter Committee! Please Email and let us know what you think.
Committee |
Contact |
Purpose |
Newman Lain
Plan and manage EPHIA hosted and sponsored events
Housing and Economic Development
Tom Gamel
Meet with developers, liaison with city zoning/planning, Economic development |
eMedia |
Mange social media channels (website, newsletter, social media) and digital designs
| |
Develop, maintain, and track membership between residents and community council |
Funding and Grants | ,
Researches, coordinates, prioritizes, and communicates deadlines for funding opportunities to to maximize funding from potential sources to get the needs of the community met.
Quality of Life
Amber Kassem
Provides advocacy and support to residents with the goal to improve the living and visiting experiences in East Price Hill.
Beautification: Focuses on issues and activities that relate to maintenance of the community's landscape's appearance. (litter, green spaces, etc.)
Problem Properties: Focuses on specific addresses that have issues and activities that pose a safety risk or health risk to the public (hotspots for crime, dilapidated buildings, egregious and reoccurring garbage/litter issues) that compromise the peaceful enjoyment and livability of our community.
Safety: Focuses on finding and communicating the violent crimes that impact more than just one property that compromises the safety and livability of our community.
Transportation: Focuses on transportation improvements and designs for the streets located in our community.
Join the board: new and past members are welcomed.
We do what we can with what we've got. If you can't donate your time but want to contribute, please consider donating.
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PO Box 5420 | Cincinnati OH 45205
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