May 2022 Newsletter

The East Price Hill Improvement Association (EPHIA) is our neighborhood’s City of Cincinnati designated Community Council.  Our objective is the encouragement and promotion of the civic advancement of East Price Hill, all of Price Hill, and the West Side of Cincinnati


Dear Neighbor,

We are baaaack to in-person meetings, and in full swing! There are so many things going on in our neighborhood that it feels a little overwhelming after all the stillness of the last two years, but it is very welcome! It is lovely to get out and see people gathering and connecting with each other, and it is exciting to get back to the work of building community in East Price Hill.

The active engagement of our community council with city leaders helps our concerns be heard and provides us with opportunities to make a difference in our neighborhood and city. At our April meeting, Councilmember Mark Jeffreys spoke about pedestrian safety and upcoming programs and plans to make our streets safer. City Manager John Curp joined us to discuss the role of community councils in city government, as well as the anticipated financial difficulties the city will be facing in coming years due to the tax impacts of people working from home. Councilmember Meeka Owens will be joining us at our General Membership Meeting on Monday to talk about the Green Cincinnati Plan, which is focused on building a sustainable, equitable, and resilient city. Please join us and learn how you can make a difference.

We believe the work of building community should also be fun, and as you will see, every effort is being made to make it so.

If you have not already done so, please go to our new website, and check out the events calendar on the events page! We are adding information about community events there and will be adding more in the coming days and weeks. For now, there are exciting things going on, particularly the upcoming week of May 16-May 21. On May 16th beginning at 6:30 PM, we will be having our monthly General Membership meeting at ARCO, formerly the Masonic Lodge, at the southwest corner of the intersection of Price and Purcell Avenues. We are planning to hold Split-The-Pot and door prize drawings. Last month Sondra Presley from the Price Hill Library won a gift certificate for Larosa’s pizza in our door prize drawing! On May 18th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, we are holding a Milkshake Social at Boldface Dairy Bar at the corner of Mt. Hope and W. Eighth. The first 50 people to come to the EPHIA tent that will be set up there will receive a FREE milkshake, courtesy of the East Price Hill Improvement Association! On May 21st from 12:00 to 4:00 PM, we are holding a Spring into Summer Picnic at the Mt. Echo Park Shelter House. Register at or the EPHIA Facebook page for FREE food, activities, snow cones, popcorn and entertainment for the whole family! Many thanks to Team Thoms-Ohio & KY Realtors @ EXP Realty for co-sponsoring this event with us.

Please join us in welcoming two new Directors to the EPHIA Board of Directors: Chandran Achutan and Adrian Kaiser will be sworn in at the May General Meeting. I am looking forward to having their energy and insight on our board, and are very glad they have stepped up to serve the community in this important way.

The city is struggling to find enough lifeguards to open city pools, and only eight of the twenty-four public pools are planned to be opened this summer because of it. The Dempsey pool and the Aquatic Center at Dunham are scheduled to be opened, but if you know someone who could lifeguard for even a few hours a week, it could make a big difference for youth in our city. Please contact the Cincinnati Recreation Commission.

 See you next Monday!

Sheila Rosenthal

President, EPHIA


from the April 18, 2022

General Membership Meeting

    1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance

    2. Roll Call
      President - Sheila Rosenbthal
      Corresponding Secretary - Greg Shaw
      Treasurer - John Ridder
      Membership Officer - Nikki Franz
      Director - Amber Kassem
      Director - Newman Lain
      Trustee - Eric Buhrer
      Trustee - Tom Gamel
      Recording Secretary - Natasha Mitchell
      Vice President

    3. Accept March 21, 2022 Minutes:
      Motion: Chandran Achutan Second: Nikki Franz Result: Carries 
    4. Communications:
      # New 9 # In 7 # Out 2

    5. Treasurer’s Report:

    6. Membership Report
      # New 5 # Renewal 2

    7. Safety & Government Reports
      a. Police - Sgt. Hicks
         i.      Summer safety plan is being voted on by City Council this week.
         ii.  Catalytic converter theft seems to be up as there are many reports of thefts, but Sgt. Hicks says there is no appreciable increase.
      b. Probation - Charlie
         i.      Continuing to follow up on probationers
      c. Safety CAT - Patti Hogan
         i.      The Safety CAT fundraiser is the third Thursday of the month, and a portion of your check will be donated to the Safety CAT.
         ii.   Safety Walk will be meeting at the Family Dollar.
    8. Speaker:  Councilmember Mark Jeffreys – Pedestrian Safety
      a. Streets have been designed more to move traffic quickly than to be safe for pedestrians.
      A three pronged approach to a solution is being worked.
      Speed Limits are too high and are being exceeded. Speed limits are often controlled by the state.
      Enforcement is a part of addressing safety issues. The city is studying and evaluating their system of enforcement.
      Redesigning the streets to make them safer. Looking for a comprehensive citywide solution.

    9. Speaker: City Manager John Curp –
      The Role of Community Councils in City Government
      a. What do you want your role to be?
      b. The city is using community input to develop a strategic plan to address priorities.
      c. What’s coming is financial difficulties. There has been a significant decrease in revenues post-COVID.
      d. Cincinnati needs more residents to live and work and pay taxes here.

    10. Old Business and Projects
      a. Audit Committee Report –
      Tom Gamel reported that the audit was successful.
      Congratulations and thanks to our treasurer John Ridder
      Events Committee – Newman Lain
      Spring Into Summer Picnic at Mt. Echo Park coming up on May 21st! Sign up on Facebook or contact to sign up so we can order food.
      Took up the tabled motion from March 21st which was made by Tom Croft and seconded by Eric Buhrer to support the variances requested by the developer for 2617 W. Eighth. Result: The motion was lost.
      d. A motion was made by Tom Gamel to support the variance requests by the developer for 2617 W. Eighth as long as they meet all city and DOTE safety requirements. Seconded by John Ridder. The motion was lost.

    11. New Business
      a. 2617 W. Eighth St variance request – Motion to oppose the variance requested by the developer, made and seconded by the board. Motion was lost.

    12. Other Organizational Announcements
      a. Price Hill Library – Sondra Presley
        i. Upcoming programming around workforce development; help with resumes, etc. Tuesdays during the day
        ii. ESL conversation groups
        iii.Just celebrated 1 year open
      b. Santa Maria – HA Musser
      left information about an upcoming health fair
      c. Wilson Commons Advisory Council - Mary Croft 
      The Eggstravaganza was successful and well attended

    13. Announcements
      a. The next General Membership meeting will be May 16 @ 6:30pm at ARCO at 3301 Price Avenue.
      b. The Spring Into Summer Picnic In The Park will be May 21, 2022 from Noon to 4PM

    14. Adjournment
      Motion: Newman Lain Second: Nikki Franz Consent unanimous


    vs. Conformity

    (Overcoming fear by saying and doing what is right)

    To practice Courage I will:

    • know the truth
    • get help when I am afraid
    • support others when they are right
    • be willing to stand alone
    • help those who are bullied or abused

    Courage strengthens all other qualities.

      by Jill Tomey

    Name your top three Character strengths.  How does your Courage help you succeed in those areas?  Did you always have confidence in those Character qualities, or did you build it with your courage?  It could have been built in small steps or significant steps.  It could have been intentional or just part of growing up or maturing.  Recognizing how you have used courage in areas you have success in can make it more available for future endeavors.  You could use your Courage to strengthen a quality you want to use more.  You could also use Courage to apply your strongest qualities differently.

    What quality needs your Courage?

    EPHIA Board

    Officers (until 2023 election)
    President: Sheila Rosenthal
    Vice President: (Vacancy)
    Treasurer: John Ridder
    Recording Secretary: Natasha Mitchell
    Corresponding Secretary: Greg Shaw
    Membership Officer: Nikki Franz
    Directors (until 2022 election)
    Chandran  Achutan
    Adrian Kaiser
    Amber Kassem
    Newman Lain
    (Two vacancies)
    Trustees (five year term)
    Eric Buhrer (term expires 2026)
    Tom Gamel (term expires 2025)
    (One vacancy)

    EPHIA Committees

    Committee - Chairperson(s)
    Beautification - Greg Shaw
    Business District - Natasha Mitchell
    Community Marketing & Branding - Laura Sage
    Events & Volunteers - Newman Lain
    Grants & Fundraising – Natasha Mitchell
    Housing & Economic Development – Sheila Rosenthal
    Membership - Nikki Franz
    Newsletter - Eric Buhrer
    Parade – Tom Gamel
    Policy & Bylaws - Tom Gamel
    Problem Properties - Dan Boller
    Public Safety - Tom Gamel
    Quality of Life (QOL) - Amber Kassem
    eMedia – Nikki Franz

    Follow us on social media to keep up with neighborhood events!

    Visit our website at

    Our mailing address is:

    East Price Hill Improvement Association

    PO Box 5420

    Cincinnati, OH 45205